Forwarded Message:
Subj: Project Toliman: Contact with the Dolphins achieved -- Great Expectations for July 26, 2004
Date: 6/5/2004 6:04:46 PM Eastern Standard Time
Sent from the Internet (Details)

Brothers and Sisters,
Dear Indigenous Friends,

with greatest pleasure and joy I would like to announce to
you all that something wonderful, something most desired
but never really expected, happened on June 2nd in the
course of our preparations for Project Toliman on July

We were able to make contact to our brothers and sisters
in the oceans, the Dolphins, we invited them to join our
meditation on that precious day -- and they responded! Be
aware of the fact that from now on our invitation to our
brothers and sisters under the seas is now spreading
throughout the deep blue and the joy with which this
message was brought to them will be transported through
all oceans.

And all this was done in the water, so the water, too, has
got this invitation and information now - and will respond
to our request. The oceans - this living liquid - will be
with us because the message was delivered with love for
our Mother Earth.

It is deep at night here in my home country, Germany,
while I am writing a message of profond joy to you while
you are maybe engaged in you daily course of life
according to the different time zones of our home planet
caused by her gentle spin.

I have received some short messages from our 'ambassadors'
in Mozambique indicating that they are overwhelmed by what
happened there. Our friends and co-organizers of the
Project Toliman ceremony, Frank and Jeanette, after some
very fruitful dicussions in our inner circle, decided to
go for a meditation under the sea with the Dolphins and

Our idea was that if the water has these qualities as it
known  by many indigenous people since ages and how it was
brought to modern science by Dr. Emoto, Japan, and Prof.
Kroeplin, Germany, it would certainly respond to our
intentions. So it was clear that we could 'inject' our
invitation into the water where it would be stored and
became part of the vast information storing ability of the
waters everywhere. And it would become easier for our
inside water to resonate with the outside water once we
have asked for permission and once we have introduced
ourselves to the waters. We would like to ask the water of
the entire planet to be our ally on that day.

And it was clear that beings like the Dolphins and Whales,
our brothers and sisters in a different realm, must be
included. We would ask them for their support, we would
invite them to meditate with us on July 26th. What great
beings they are, living in a medium where all the events
and information have left traces since our Mother Earth

Here is a preliminary report of what happened:

Frank and Jeanette started with the meditation under the
sea in the morning of June 1st. No Dolphin appeared, but
after a while a 8 m shark, the biggest which exists (in
German we call him 'Whaleshark') approached for about 30
minutes and Frank started to meditate at him. Later, back
on the way towards the coast suddenly about 30 dolphins
appeared and accompanied Frank's boat.

The next morning, on June 2nd, while Frank was snorkeling
and meditating again, sending greetings to the water and
to all beings within, especially to the Dolphins and
Whales, and was inviting them for the current meditation
and the one on July 26th,--


so many dolphins appeared that Frank couldn't count them
anymore. They were everywhere, around and underneath. Some
had their babys with them. Frank was not only surrounded,
he was right inbetween them. The deeper he meditated the
nearer they came, some within two meters distance. He
wrote in his short message that it seemed to thim 'that
all the floods were filled with their voices'! Later, when
he returned to the coast, so he wrote, he ( a strong man )
couldn't other than gratefully crying.

It is now planned by some of the friends down there that
in that bay  where this extraordinary meeting happened, a
meditation will be arranged to join in our global circle
on July 26th.

This all happened in Ponta do Ouro, Mozambique.

More details -- and they hinted that something more
happened -- will be give on our website once Frank and
Jeanette are back in Germany.

I hereby recommend to all of you who live at the sea
shores - please go out to the coasts, stretch out your
hands, send your love to the water and to the Dolphins and
Whales. Please do this during the next weeks until July
26th has arrived to confirm what has started with Frank's
encounter in Mozambique. Help to build a trustful
relationship to our brothers and sisters under the seas.
We need them. They need us.

What a great gift have we all received! May your day be
brightened now!

Please help to spread this wonderful news everwhere!

Peace and Light.

J.D. Koch

For more information about Project
Toliman on July 26th please look at:

Please look at Eutonnah's website:
and download the First "Peoples
Covenant with the Living Earth" to be
spoken on July 26th around the world at
the same time and sign in to the list of
participants to this wonderful worldwide
ceremony to help Mother Earth.